Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hello again

Hello everyone,

(if you read both my blog sites you might be having a deja vu moment .. this is the same post for today as the Sacred Gates site .. so ... no need to read it again.)

It seems rather appropriate to say hello again, after being away so long .. and where have I been? I've been on a long and complicated journey through bowel cancer and kidney stones .. they happened within 2 weeks of each other, so that I couldn't separate the pain of the operation for the 'removal of the site of the polyp - just in case' from the stones that were stirred up by filling me to bloating point with saline (some 6 bags full), which some bright spark decided would be a good idea a couple of days after the operation.

We shall draw a veil over the first hospital experience, and instead commend the nurses, and doctors, at the second hospital called Casey, where I was admitted for the procedure to remove the kidney stones .. all 8 of the stones were 'made of a substance we do not recognise, so we've sent them away for testing'. They've never told me what they were, but right now I don't care. I am just very relieved the whole experience is over and I am well on the mend, to the point of gardening again, and carrying clothes baskets down to the line to hang the washing out.

So hello! I've learned a lot about myself since the couple of weeks before the operation on the 3rd March. I've learned some good things, and some not so good. I've learned what I fear, not cancer, not death or dying, no, my strongest fear was that the pain would never stop. Hmm .. turns out I'm a bit of a control freak .. an undercover one. LOL I chose one heck of a way to learn it for certain. I am laughing at myself now.

Hello, hello .. the radio is back on. And I'm back at 'work', in a spiritual sense. Seems I'm going to be starting a 'church' .. well, a something anyway. The word church is synonymous with people running away in fright. I want them to run towards God/Spirit, not away. The Love is there. We only have to reach out and touch it ...

Love & Joy,

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