Monday, July 20, 2009

Is God a Potato?

Ok, so its a strange question. It actually arose from a conversation Tom and I were having about dinner. I was suggesting we abandon carbs for a week or two and he decided that he actually worships potatoes. Please somebody do not take it seriously, but it did bring some interesting thoughts to mind.

Think of a potato.

It is covered in eyes - hence can see everywhere.

It grows in the dirt that we smother it with ... hmm ... so do mushrooms and you know the old joke about them. Let's face it, we feed God 'fertilizer' every time we deny or break the rule, you know, the simple one - love one another. The one the preacher, minister, angels, archangels, ascended masters etc etc remind us about. Now who is the potato?

We bury our heads (potatoes have small 'heads' on them when they are sprouting) in the same dirt we are dumping on God and other people through our lack of trust and sad attitudes. At least God the potato is springing new growth from His? What are we doing?

Back to God the potato - it provides nourishment .. physical in the potato aspect, and spiritual in the Other, regardless of how we treat it. How many people have found potatoes growing out of their rubbish pits?

And then there is the old understanding - that everything is God and created by God and of God, so yes, of course God is a potato.

Hmm... something to think about.

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