Good morning, anyone else love Eurythmics? I am singing the song to myself even now, having started it in the orchard as I wandered down a row of those glorious trees, covered in tiny apples (well, about half the size they will be in a month or two), and I was thinking about hate.
How's that for a subject! Hate. Why do we hate? Why do we bother? Dear God, why do we do it?
Really, the whole thought came up because I was thinking of the word 'God' and 'Spirit'. It can make both sides of the 'religious' bunch blanche. The Christians (and I'm a believer, just in case you are wondering) can't bare the word 'Spirit', used by the new age folk for God. And the new agers .. don't use 'God' because .. because why? Because the Christians do and they don't believe in that 'stuff'. Because its not specific enough?
"Which God do you mean exactly? I follow Isis." Yes, that has been said to me. I even ask the question of people when they come out with some truly outrageous statements that are supposed to be Christian .. like "I hate him!"
I don't remember God or Jesus teaching us to hate .. but then again, go and check out the Old Testament. There's one heck of a judgmental 'god' in there, known as 'the Lord' .. and then there's the other loving one .. and then there's a whole lot more of them - so which God do you follow?
And then there's the Holy Spirit - guess what guys .. new age folks .. and I've worked among them for years and years .. your 'Spirit' is the Holy Spirit .. someone just left off the first word. It's all the same energy .. you keep telling me that, and yet you then isolate bits of it and name them 'Gods'. Sigh ..
Where was I? Oh yes, hate.
Sadly, we are all more than capable of hating. Even the sweetest person you have ever met has a touch of hate in them, or they wouldn't be on this planet. The 'I've come only to serve others' sugarbabies make me blanche (that means go white in the face and want to groan BTW). All of us are here in physical bodies because we have work to do on ourselves - poke a sugarbaby and they are equally capable of lashing out when they are hurt. Believe me .. I've been on the receiving end. We don't intend to hurt them, we just remind them of their issues. I say 'we' because, although its me talking, its often their angels, or mine, who are directing where the conversations go.
Hate comes from fear. Hate is not the opposite of Love. Hate is what happens when we no longer trust, either another person, or ourselves. It is part of wounded pride and ego trying to restore integrity within us. It's version of integrity anyway, which is not always good for us. We should try not to feel that way (ahh.. the should word .. well, in this case, its appropriate). Hate destroys us from the inside, just as unexpressed anger, jealousy, guilt and all the other 'acid' emotions do. They burn away within us creating illnesses such as cancer and others (see Annette Noontil and Louise Hay for the connection between emotion and illness - fascinating .. and true).
Hate is the weapon we use first on ourselves, before we broadcast it not only at the person we are angry with, but also at everyone around us. It poisons the air around us, the food we eat, the water .. our friends, our family, our pets. Please tell me .. why do you hate?
No one deserves this sort of punishment. Not you, not me. Not whomever did whatever it was they did to you .. no matter what it was.
There's a belief among the spiritual folk that we create our reality and that everything that happens to us 1) happens because we chose it for the lessons, and 2) happens for a very good reason. One of the main reasons negative stuff happens is to help us to learn to love UNCONDITIONALLY. I typed that in capitals .. yes, I'm shouting. Should I type LOVE that way too?
Love is a danger of a different kind - because it makes us vulnerable to being hurt. Through love we open ourselves to receive so much good, and when the someone who the focus of that emotion cannot give back what we want them to .. for whatever reasons .. we can choose to 'love anyway' and let go, or we can drag them to us and hold them there forever by hating them. It is ropes of steel that bind us to the person we hate .. and they might never know it, and you might never meet them again .. but you are still bound to them, in the time and place where you chose to hate.
I do not want to be trapped in a time of great pain and loneliness, so when I was given a choice to love anyway, I fought to choose it. I fought my own anger, fear and loneliness, all reactions of ego based in pride, and in the end I let go .. oh it took time, but I made the choice and kept working on it each day until the whole issue didn't hurt anymore. I am very grateful for the lessons to those people involved. I learned so much about myself, how can I bear you any ill will?
Do not hate. Do not choose to destroy yourself and everyone around you through that negativity. The planet suffers enough with our stupidity. Do not make it suffer more. Confront the reality of your emotional attachment to those people you are angry with, forgive yourself, forgive them and let go. So much more than you will be healed. And we need that healing now.
We love you,
(and the angels)
There is a fascinating unorthodox angle to this topic- dr Omoto's claim that words, music etc create effects in water and human beings (we are 70% water) I wrote about it in another blog a week ago Here is its English translation
Light and Peace