Thursday, January 20, 2011

When is a flood not a flood ...

Dictionary definition:

· the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land; "plains fertilized by annual inundations"
· an overwhelming number or amount; "a flood of requests"; "a torrent of abuse"
· deluge: fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid; "the basement was inundated after the storm"; "The images flooded his mind"
· light that is a source of artificial illumination having a broad beam; used in photography
· cover with liquid, usually water; "The swollen river flooded the village"; "The broken vein had flooded blood in her eyes"
· a large flow
· supply with an excess of; "flood the market with tennis shoes"; "Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient"
· the act of flooding; filling to overflowing
· become filled to overflowing; "Our basement flooded during the heavy rains"
· flood tide: the occurrence of incoming water (between a low tide and the following high tide); "a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune"

I think that explains it. Do you think we should all email it to the Australian Insurance companies that are busy saying that the water in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria are not a flood and so no one is covered by their, usually expensive, insurance policies?

I guess all those people are expected to sacrifice their goods and chattels to the greater good of the Insurance God .. whichever God that is? I just checked Google and there doesn’t seem to be a God of Insurance? Hmm... I wonder if we could define it as Ego?

And on this subject of sacrifice – I wonder how the Life Insurance companies are going to feel at the end of December 2012 when lots of people put in claims for all the people (over one million according to something I read) that are suppose to die before then – for the greater good of Mankind. Is mankind a God? Does it deserve that much sacrifice? Not in my opinion, and yes it is my opinion, but then .. this is my blog.

When I joined the new age industry, following the advice of my guides and angels, and opened a Healing Centre and learned Reiki, and Counselling, and became a Spiritual Teacher, I hoped that I would stop seeing the world fall apart around me. Perhaps, from my light and happy vantage point the small nasty things that people do to each other wouldn’t touch me anymore, and I would no longer weep at the confusion in people minds and hearts. No such luck. (Hang on a minute, according to one workshop I went to Luck is a Babylonian God and we are not even supposed to mention that name, let alone wish anyone any of it .. but I still do). I guess I am going to be going to hell, but then .. sometimes I think we are already here.

So here are three prickly topics to look at ... the powers that be in the Insurance industry who redefine water falling from the sky, filling up a big dam, and rivers and lakes, and then overflowing and ‘inundating’ thousands of homes as not a ‘flood’ and ‘therefore they don’t have to pay’. Geez man .. if it was your house, you’d need help getting your life straight again .. but hey, I guess you can’t see me at the top of the corporate ladder with your dry feet and your thousand dollar suits .. and btw, my house isn’t in a region that flooded. I am counting my blessings on that one.

When did you forget, in all that worship of Mannon, that there are people out here who do not earn top dollar, or live on high ground. No, the council approved the speculators to sell land in the flood plains and then build houses on it. Great. And what about all the farmers and the lost crops .. oh, you probably don’t insure for them either .. and neither do the banks awaiting to foreclose ...

Yes I am ranting again. In the scheme of human lives, given that we are supposed to lose over one million people in the next almost two years, twenty or more people is probably not too much to lose, but for your mother, brother, sister, cousin .. the lady across the street who lost her husband and her nine year old son .. it's TOO MUCH! And now you say they have no right to rebuild using the money they paid you in good faith. What happened to your ‘good faith’ return .. to looking after them when they are fallen? Hell no, it might have to come out of your wages? They are just unlucky, aren’t they?

There’s that word again, but I don’t feel like debating with a small group of Christians about whether wishing someone something wonderful is invoking a ‘demon’. Intention is actually everything, and I am sure that God, whose name is El, btw, will understand the will of my heart, and perhaps my lack of wisdom in the saying. At least that’s what it says in the bible.

And then we get to the sticky one – sacrifice.

According to the Christian Bible there was a man called Jesus Christ who was crucified and died on the Cross, as ‘the perfect sacrifice’, a once only event, his blood breaking a lock that freed all of humanity to go get on with their lives. (Hebrews 9:28) My theology teacher described Jesus’ outstretched arms as reaching towards all people in every direction. I know it’s hard to believe in the metaphysical in this age of mechanical wonders – but what does it cost you – you only have to believe in the Christ to be free, you don’t actually have to go to church – plenty of people have proved that. In the Catholic church you can even buy ‘redemption’, if you have enough money – but why do people have to buy redemption? Hmm.. which church is worshipping which God these days, or spiritualist group for that matter - seeing as many of those I have visited have the 'Lord's Prayer' as the only part of God in the 'service' (dedicated mostly to proving there's life after death by having unidentified spirits 'standing beside you - your mother perhaps - oh she's still alive, did she have an sisters?' giving advice about stuff that even I don't relate to. ("You don't connect? Well, can I leave it with you .. I'm sure it's for your future.) Hmm.. do I sacrifice my commonsense just by going to those 'churches'?

Back to topic in hand: According to Christian teachings no other human sacrifices are needed to keep open the door into the heaven for all of humanity, nor has it slammed shut – you would think we would have heard – so why suddenly is a group called the Light Force saying that over one million people will be sacrificing their lives for the rest of us, through earth changes they are creating before the 21st December next year (the end of the Mayan calendar in case you are wondering about the date) to force humanity to change? What happened to the one perfect sacrifice? Wasn’t the Son of God ENOUGH?

I live in a world where the news is mostly propaganda, where the latest headlines are more important than the simple truth (see my last blog on Sacred Gates Blog - the link is on the right).
Propaganda is defined as a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position.

Take the angels .. we have two main kinds in the world, those in the Light and those who are fallen. The fallen you might know better as demons. I believe the angels are supposed to be part of the Light Force .. the good ones .. the ones that say "love one another" and not the ones that say "die for Jesus". We get so upset when someone chooses to "die for Allah", you know them as suicide bombers, and then there were the Kamakaze, who died for their Emperor .. they thought he was a god. They sacrificed themselves for something they believed in, a form of ritual suicide .. taking out as many of the unbelievers as possible .. and they did it for the greater good - the greater good that they believed in, which in a way is understandable, since the Light Force are now saying that the folks who have to die are also doing it for the greater good. But whose Good is it?

Back to JC and the perfect sacrifice. It can't be for God, because God sent Jesus as humanity's redeemer, and s/he doesn't need us to sacrifice ourselves for him/her. So it can't be for humanity for the same reason .. its already been done.

So I ask again, who is it for? Or could it be that someone is lying?

Do the Light angels lie? Or does it simply mean that over one million people will die anyway, in the next two years, due to natural attrition and silly accidents? I certainly hope so.

I will leave you with those thoughts ...

Love & Light

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