.. what does that remind you of? The mad bunch in the comedy on tv where Rene pretends to chase the girls, and his wife pretends not to know? Or is the song I keep singing in my head -
Hello, hello, turn your radio on ... is there anybody out there, help me sing my song ... by Shakespear's Sister.
Ok, its a really odd song, but in a way its very appropriate too. Life is very strange, people do have their priorities confused, and we have woken up to a brand new world .. or so some people say. From here in Nar Nar Goon it looks pretty much the same to me?? Perhaps I'm in the daze? The tune is good.
I am not really in a soapbox mood today. I'm even vaguely enjoying the 36C windy weather, from here inside my airconditioned house. I'm loving the clouds rolling in! They (the PTB's) promise rain tomorrow afternoon. I hope so for now.
So let's get back to 'hello, hello' ..
What's the first thing you think of .. hmm.. policeman .. Pirates of Penzance perhaps .. another lot of wonderful music. Hmm.. my mind is rambling at the moment. I wonder why?
How do you hear your guides? Ah .. trick question. Do you even listen? Another doozy. When was the last time you acted on your gut feeling about something, or the 'sense' that you had to do something, or be somewhere, and it was very important that you followed through? When was the last time you trusted yourself, paid attention to your heart instead of your head - your emotions instead of your logical mind? And just how much trouble did you get yourself? Hopefully none at all. Sometimes it happens, but mostly when we follow intuition things turn out just fine.
When was the last time someone commented on you talking to yourself, laughing at shadows or skipping and not stepping on cracks on the pavement? When was the last time you had some fun (me .. on Friday night at Altona Homestead where I got to be chief medium and there were lots of ghosts to talk to .. that was fun!). You? What brings you joy?
What brings you joy? (Yes, I repeated myself - it's important)
What makes you happy? When was the last time you thought about that?
Did you know that it's said that God/Spirit created the universe through music, and keeps creating and recreating it, because the angels are continuously singing. I might not have mentioned it on this site, but I once got caught in a stream of their music. It was just before Christmas a few years ago, on a zebra crossing in the middle of Armidale NSW and I walked straight through a flowing steam of Michael angels singing a hymn/carol. I immediately turned around and walked straight back over the road again .. and straight back into the music, and stood there for a moment just listening .. luckily the road was not busy at that time, and the town already thought I was a little 'touched' .. actually my friend Sherry and I once took off our shoes and danced in the tiny stream of water flowing down through the mall (pedestrians only) one hot day when a sudden downpour caught us all by surprise. We got very wet, but oh we were happy .. and it made other people laugh, and a few joined in. That's joy for you .. it's infectious! (Just think - a disease you can catch that won't kill you :-) )
Hello, hello .. sometimes my ears get a tin whistle sort of sound, and instead of grumbling about it I ask my angels to 'tune me in better please'. There could be a logical explanation .. well angels are a logical one to me .. but it could be tinnitus .. but it never hangs around for long .. so I figure I've just 'bumped the knob' (so to speak) on my personal radio and need to tune the thing in again .. so that I can hear the music that Spirit is playing, to my heart and soul .. just as they are playing it to yours.
Hello, hello .. are you listening .. because the music is there, all day and night, every day and night, since all of this was created and into forever.
We love you,
Love & Light
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