Good God its afternoon again. What happened to the morning .. oh I know, I spent a large part of it trying to change the background pictures on this site, and my other 'sacred gates'. I succeeded finally, after abandoning any hope of uploading my own favourite pictures. I settled for the wood of a crate for this one .. very appropriate given its new title. Yes, the site will still be about God, Spirit, the angels, demons, elementals, and hopefully a tiny bit of wisdom that I have been trying to acquire over the years. I noticed I succeeded in not writing a thing here since 11 March 2010. That didn't mean I wasn't writing .. believe me, I was .. there are reams of Allexpert.com (paranormal) pages to prove it, and then there was the meetup group .. which turned into more of a struggle than it was worth .. so its gone, but some of us remain - quietly hidden (lol) away at yahoo and facebook. In summing up the year I have to say the rest of it was a struggle - a mood swing and hot flush and other joyful symptoms of peri-menopause one .. so before I go any further, for those who also suffer, the Australia Menopause Centre is wonderful. Check them out. They have been my saving grace! http://www.menopausecentre.com.au/online/index.php
In the last nine months I have made many attempts to write a blog or two here. I even started a couple of other blogs with the same results .. no words were forthcoming on any particular subject, because most of the time it was my frustrations I wanted to express, and not the joys. When I sat down this morning I 'clarified' my thinking, which Spirit had been asking me to do for some time .. I deleted two of my blogs and settled down to keep just these two. I intend to try and write in each each day, but if I don't .. you'll know there's a very good reason. Call it my new year's resolution. I usually resolve not to resolve anything, but not this time. Things have got to change! :-) So this site is for expressing the challenges in life, and sacred gates will be for the joys.
Having spent at least an hour under the clothes line hanging clothes and talking to myself, everything I wanted to say here has vanished .. so I'll sign off for now and flip over and write something cheeful at Sacred Gates. The link is there on the right if you want to follow.
Have a wonderful day, have a wonderful year, and most of all, have a wonderful life,
Love & Light
Ama (who is very happy to be back!)'
Happy New Year to you and yours