Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Let me get back up on my soapbox ...

Good morning,

I was having a deep think while underwater this morning (the shower is a great place to communicate with your angels). I was asking them what I should 'rant' about this morning. I can feel their smiles from here. :-) They popped so many ideas into my rather scattered mind, and they all slipped away but one ...

When did we separate God from Spirit? Why did we? What dope decided this? When did we forget God? God didn't push us away from him/her .. we turned our backs and walked off. We decided the 'rules' were too hard .. you know .. the 'love one another as I love you'. What are the other commandments .. oh yes, do not have any other God but me. Loosely translated that could mean 'I am the God of Love, so make Love your first priority .. because it is ME.'

I guess that is Rule no. 1 Have no other God but Love.

Rule no. 2 Worship no idols. I won't even start on the tv program. Let's pick something bigger.

When did Mannon become our first priority? How many people have the desire for money foremost in their thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I think money is great too, I just don't think chasing it is more important than chasing and finding Love. No, Love probably won't feed you, or buy you all your new toys ... but then .. how many toys will last in the floods we are having in Queensland right now .. if you lose everything tangible, you will still have the Love!

Rule no. 3 Don't swear .. or worse .. don't blaspheme. Ok, I am guilty of that one. Oh God! when not addressing the Most High is actually rude. So is 'bloody' btw, a great aussie by-word .. it actually means 'by our lady' .. with so many more interesting anglo-saxon adjectives we could use, why do we spend so much time abusing God's name? Truth is, its a lazy form of speech - and the English language, which used to have thousands of words, is becoming more and more limited - particularly now we have texting. Do u no wt i mean?

Rule no. 4 Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. That's right, God decided we needed one day of rest a week. The Jewish people chose Saturday. Most of the Christians chose Sunday. Just think, you could go to church on both .. who knows, you might learn something .. starting with how similar all our different beliefs really are. And how do you keep it holy? Can it be as simple as giving our thoughts to greater things than the prompting of our egos? Can it be a day of giving thanks for all the good that is in your life, instead of focusing on the negative stuff - the things we don't have, the people we are angry at, and our fears of the unknown future that cause so much stress in our lives. Why have we all learned to focus on the stress, and build it into huge mountains that threaten to destroy us .. when we could easily come to God and ask for help with our issues .. to take those huge mountains and turn them back into little hills all over again.

Most of the shops shut on sundays when I was a child, (oh I know hospitals can't but I am sure God understands the need to help the sick and gives special blessings to those who have chosen careers based in service to the frail) but that was before we all learned to worship the great shopping dollar and our 'need' to entertain our minds instead of thinking more worthy thoughts. Instead we find other thoughtless entertainment like choosing to play 'shoot-em-up' games on the computer instead of talking to our family and friends. Hmm.. I also guilty of that .. well, not the shootemups, but silly games that are a distraction when I could be learning so much of the good of the world, instead of sitting in a lump clicking the mouse over and over again.

I think you get my drift.

Rule no. 5 Honour your father and mother. That one can be a challenge when the parents forget to honour their kids as well. But its also talking about honouring God as father and mother - so if you can't abide your parents, don't take it out of God. We chose them (no I didn't! will scream some people but..) - according to spiritual beliefs - we choose our parents and those people who have the most impact on us during our lives - which means those we love, and those we hate, for what they would teach us. If we could learn to honour them all, perhaps then we would learn to honour ourselves, and give up all the self destructive behaviours, from drugs to alcohol, and all the other mental illnesses the people of the world now suffer from. I include greed here, and lust, wrath, sloth, pride, gluttony and envy - you will know them as the seven deadly sins.

Rule no. 6 You shall not murder. Self-explanatory in action, but also do not do it even in your thoughts. The Buddha teaches us 'with our thoughts we create the world'. Yes, I know its not 'God', but where do you think he got his ideas from? It wasn't the devil. The devil promotes such negative behaviours. On a metaphysical bent, either is really bad karma.

Rule no. 7 You shall not commit adultery. Hmm.. I shall leave you all to know your own issues on that one.

Rule no. 8 You shall not steal. Anything. Not the food from another's table, or the idea from their head. Not a moment from their lives through your foolish behaviour, nor the heart from their body - and no, I am not talking about organ transplants. I actually think that's a good idea. I am talking about deliberately choosing to lead someone on, only to hurt them in some way for your own satisfaction. There are so many other ways we steal things from each other - and we steal things from God - because many of us, when we are in trouble, will demand God's help and offer nothing in return. "Help me or I won't believe in you". It's called 'emotional blackmail' and shows us all up for the children we truly are.

Rule no. 9 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. That's pretty simple. Don't lie - not even the little social ones. "Does my bum look big in this" .. Oh God, what do I answer? "The colour is wonderful on you," because it is.

Rule no. 10 Do not covet your neighbours house, wife, slaves, donkeys or anything else that belongs to them. Envy is a poison that destroys too many lives. Can we not be satisfied with our simple lives, a safe place to sleep, food on the table, good family and friends. Why do so many people have to try to 'keep up with the Jones'? When is 'more' enough? So many times I have heard that the rich might be RICH but they are very seldom happy. Happiness comes from serving others, not from self-serving behaviour. We have to change our programing. Dear Head, please help me think another way. Or better yet ..

"Dear God/Spirit help me think in a more loving way. Let the good I do for others lift up my spirit and show me the good in me, so that I might find peace and healing within your loving Grace. This is my only request. All else I have through you."

Ok, so I said it was going to be a rant. I'll climb down off my soapbox now.

Love & Light


  1. Can't resist asking a questions that has been bothering me for a long time: Moses received 10 commandments written on tablets of stone with God's own finger and as His gift.(Exod.31:18) He came down to the Israel's camp, saw they were worshipping a golden calf and in anger broke the stone tablets.(Ex.33:19)and then his faithful Levites kill some 3,000 men with Jehowvah's full support. God of Love and carnage of heretics? Then Jehovah tells Moses to make his own tablets of stone and writes the commandments again. Stone is a symbol of Truth, so we have Jahve's truth (broken) and then man's truth (Moses)Which version is a true one? I like your interpretation - regardless :-)

  2. And my questions always have been 'which God wrote the second commandments', after 'God' ordered his own people killed; and what were the first commandments on the tablets that Moses destroyed? The 'love one' another seems to be missing from the second lot?

    And while we are on the subject of Gods .. which God punished moses by not allowing him into the promised land? Do we have to be so perfect to get into heaven? We were not created perfect .. because we were created to learn and grow.

    I feel sorry for Moses. He had one 'hell' of a time. Perhaps that tells us 'which God' afterall?

  3. I think most of the 10 commandments would be commonsense to anyone with morals. I find it quite unbelievable that people in this day and age are still allowing themselves to be misguided by unreliable traditional interpretations.

  4. I agree with you about the commonsense, but that seems really thin on the ground these days .. just look at the people jet-skiing in the roaring floods Queensland is having .. and why .. curiosity?

    We are all a product of our 'past'. Who we are is created by what we lived through, and if we have not lived the events ourselves - then from the knowledge, and, hopefully, wisdom, of our forefathers (and mothers). Without a solid foundation to draw on most people flounder. If that solid foundation is built on mistrust and disbelief, what happens when the world suddenly goes very strange? Some people need to believe in a judgmental God - perhaps because it limits their nastier tendencies? A non-judgmental one allows us to be whomever without fear of 'wrath' .. hmm.. also without discipline, something sorely missing in the world today. So the only guide-lines they have come from a book over 2000 years old, and are commonsense to you and I .. and so many others. Maybe we should become like the redactors (editors) and take the bits we don't like in the modern bible .. but where do you start?

    Most people are not wise enough, or interested enough, for various good reasons to do with having religion jammed down their throats, to stop and think about the true meanings behind 'words', not just the ten commandments, but all the other words in our religious books as well (and everyone else's). They would rather only touch on the 'surface', and never find the true depths. If it the process of touching the depths they 'understand' it in some way I can't accept .. then I have to stop and think about how my view of the world stops me from sharing theirs. Perhaps I will be changed for the better, or be reaffirmed in my own faith? Sometimes something from the past gives us hope for the future .. and sometimes it doesn't. It's all open to our interpretation, and our choice in what we will or wont' believe.

    When the angels talk to me (and that sets some folks thinking that I am insane, deluded or possessed??) they do it in 'concepts' .. that's a group of ideas on a single theme. In the beginning it might have taken me a week or more to think through everything they said, in my conscious mind, but my subconscious had already sorted the message and was attempting to apply it in every day life.

    Perhaps the angels should start yelling? Or have they been for a very long time? Are their voices hoarse from shouting "God loves you - now for God's sake LOVE YOURSELVES". I think I would be. Perhaps that's another reason the angels fell. To get closer to the people with their fingers in their ears?? LOL

    And some of us will always be a voice in the wilderness saying 'there's some mighty fine wisdom in that very confusing book'.

    Ok, so we all have our .. fascinations? LOL :-)

  5. I think the bible makes for interesting reading, although a lot of what has been written is highly questionable. There are many other good books to read :)
