What is the last song you want to be heard singing? The one that expresses the joy in your heart, or the one that sings of your sorrow? I often get 'brain-runners', you know - when the music won't go away, and that same song, or track of thought, goes around and around until you get very tired of it, and are prepared to do pretty much anything to 'change tune'.
Does it really matter if you sing out of tune? You might not do well in a band, but in a choir of like-minded people, you could add a 'happy noise', just as everyone else is doing as they think their daily thoughts, and express their feelings through their own personal music and words. Even a bumble bee makes music that pleases 'Spirit', for it is expressing its true self through the waves of energy that it produces with each movement. And that is what we do - express the waves of our true selves through our thoughts, feelings and actions.
When was the last time you asked for help from 'upstairs' for a problem? Do you do it regularly - or is it the last place you would look for help on any problem? Making it the 'first' place can be a useful solution - you will be amazed with the number of opportunities that come from asking for help.
Now if you are a formal person, you can try a little prayer. You know the type - getting down on your knees and 'begging' for it - but if you want to change the 'tune' a little, how about standing in the sunshine, or the rain, and just directing your thoughts 'upwards' or 'outwards' wherever you think God/Spirit might be. You'll find an aspect of your angels and guides beside you at all times, listening and waiting to help with requests. When you decide to connect to them, to work with them and to ask for help, they leap willingly into every challenge and act with Joy - a little of which will rub off on you, if you allow it.
I was going to write to you about the power of prayer to change our lives, but I think I really should be writing about dancing. Dancing is not that formal stuff we do in ballroom, or the gyrating that our kids get up to. It is the movement we make in our daily lives that leads to all our experiences. We dance, or our energy does, up and down through our chakras, threading in and out through our middles, and weaving patterns in the air that we can 'read' and sense - our auric fields. When these get clogged or cloudy, we feel clogged and cloudy. A little gentle raking (running your fingers down the energy about 3 inches away from your body, back, front, above your head and beneath your feet) can help alleviate the problem, but not remove it entirely, for it is created by our thoughts and emotions, and needs a little more focussed cleaning from time to time. When your energy is clogged, and bogged and you feel down and out, then a more serious healing might be necessary, but a little Reiki once in a while is enough to keep the energy moving.
Why do I talk about Reiki and auras - because they, too, produce their own music, and it is this music that can make your heart dance, and bring Joy back into your step. When you are feeling sick you go to a doctor, and that can be very wise, but it can be equally wise to add a touch of Spiritual Healing to your choices - for it works on the mind, body and Spiritual levels of each person, and that can help, no matter what the problems may be.
Back to dancing, back to music - when was the last time you sang in the shower? When was the last time you imagined that the water was 'washing through you', rather than over you. Use your imagination - allow the water to wash 'through your energy' and lighten the load you carry. Do this each morning and by the end of the week, you might find you feel a little lighter. Take a moment to do this when you wash your hair - it won't take any more time than that normal activity - but choose to do the cleansing daily - you want to feel that full benefit. When you are ready change happens, and you find yourself feeling lighter and brighter. It is really up to you.
Let your last song be the first song of each morning, giving thanks and glory to Spirit for your life, every moment of it.
Love & Light,
Ama Nazra
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