It’s the little things that make a huge difference.
When I began this journey with Spirit I was very young and uncertain of myself, and now a little older I think I better understand what they are wanting of me, and I learned that by learning about myself. Today I am making soup, it’s a process of putting together a differing number of ingredients to get the sorts of flavours, the harmony of essence, that you like and are willing to share with others. It is our own personal harmony of essence that we share with each other when we meet daily, in person, on the phone, or on the internet through emails and chat programs. The harmony of our essence is expressed through the human aura, the energy field that surrounds each of us which interacts with every other person we meet. We call how we feel about someone ‘intuition’ and instinct and empathy, or just ‘knowing’ if they are right for us – to be friend or lover, just an acquaintance, or even someone we do not want to meet again. The harmony of the person’s energy can be a factor in the sort of relationship you will develop with them, and develop they do, through physical contact and all levels of communication. It is little things like body language, the sound of the voice, word patterns and vocabulary, and physical characteristics that attract people to each other even before we look at the more metaphysical influences such as past life relationships, and the frequency of their auric field. And why does it matter? Because Spirit asks us to love one another. They do not mean the physical sort of love that demands so much of our time and attention; they mean a commitment from ourselves to every living person to allow them to be whomever they, good or bad, whether they behave in ways we accept or not. They ask that we love unconditionally in a time when war seems to be spreading across the world, no matter how hard we try, or not, to stop it.
What does it mean to love unconditionally? It means to find within ourselves the gift of freedom that was bestowed upon us all at the coming of the Christ energy into the world and
share it with others. The door to our hearts was opened wide and new ways and new wisdom has been flowing in ever since. In connecting to this new wisdom, and accepting the responsibility it brings, we are once again the Children of God we have always been, lost in shadows, now redeemed.
I can hear my friends groaning and saying ‘Ama has gone biblical again’ .. well yes, God and Spirit (Holy Spirit for the more Christian folks) are the same being. We are all being asked for the same commitment, no matter what our belief systems are, no matter which ‘religion’ we follow. Love is the foundation and core of every message we receive from God/Spirit through our own hearts and the words of others. Love is the beginning, the ending and the whole middle of change ... and when you are unhappy change is what you are searching for. Begin with Spirit, for there you are truly Loved! Love one another. Start with yourself. Let your heart be free!
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