What is the Truth? In my opinion, God is big enough to encompass all our Truths without feeling we are not satisfying some integral part of his/her whole being, otherwise why does s/he not act to stop us. Oh yes, free will. That is a subject I have spoken of many times before. God gave us the right to choose the path we follow to him/her. That thought helps to negate the one before. If there is only one path back to God then why did God give us so many other options, paths and belief systems to follow? Or was it the devil? And who is the devil? The one who inspires human nastiness.
Truthfully, I think we are more than capable of being appalling, if not horrific, without any help from an outside entity – but then, I do know demons exist, and are not working for our greater good. But that is another subject.
So where were we in the Truth document?
Will War and Suffering Ever End? The brochure tells us that under His Kingdom, a heavenly government, people will not “learn war anymore”. Instead they will beat their swords into ploughshares ... (Isaiah 2:4), “because the Lord will judge between the nations and shall arbitrate for many people”. Looks like they are still arguing. What is an argument anyway? A difference of opinion. What is a war? A huge difference of opinion. What gives us the right to have opinions different from one another? Will these ‘nations’ (separated by what exactly under God’s one government??) have different opinions? I thought that once we all come together in the end times, those of us good enough to go to wherever Zion is, nothing would separate us from one another, for we are all one people under God? Oh, now I remember, we have free will. Is that taken away when God comes and collects us all? And which God? Do I get to go if I don’t like Jehovah? Why Jehovah? According to 1 Samuel ‘the Lord’ is Jehovah. This part of Isaiah speaks only of the Lord. I am siding with El.
Free will gives us the right to say no to war, if we don’t hand our power over to our governments. Just look at the world today? Does one word you say make any difference to your government’s decision to send troupes to Afghanistan, for example? I don’t think mine does. I have been saying NO since the twin towers catastrophe. No one blamed God for that, no, we blamed the terrorists .. an amphorous mass that the American Government said was Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda – and it well might be him and them. Funny name ‘bin laden’ .. been laden .. with a huge weight on his back if it isn’t him. And is he dead, or really in Pakistan as our Australian news said the other night? (A good reason to invade perhaps?) And how does that relate to God and no war?
God’s children, those of us who believe in him/her, have the right to say ‘no more’. We might only be able to say it in our hearts, and hopefully act from that choice in our everyday lives, but it can be enough to change world energy. So why don’t we? Why do you still argue with your brother, mother, sister, neighbour, Telstra, the guy you owe money to, the one who owes you money, your best friend? Why do you, we, me, still harbour grudges? Why do we still hate ourselves, or even dislike ourselves, without some understanding of the causes and a desire to change? Why do people war with themselves? Because it is that war that creates other wars. For in God’s kingdom, and this is God’s kingdom, regardless of whether you think S/He is here now or not, energy follows thought. If we can learn to love ourselves, and our neighbours, as God, and Jesus, Loves us, then yes, there will be no more war. And we don’t need a second coming for that, nor do we need God to step in and whip the ‘good guys’ (all 144,000 of them? What happens to the other 6+ billion) away to somewhere safe. We can do it now, today. Here. NOW. Not tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes.
And the brochure continues: The bible promises: “God will wipe out (away NOAB) every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry (crying NOAB) nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away”. (Rev 21:3-4) Although they quote only from 21:4 I think 21:3 is interesting as well . “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying “See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them.” It raises one question .. are we not already His/her people? Why do we have to wait until the end times to be His/her people? The Watchtower people sincerely believe they are one of God’s people. I believe I am. Why does Revelation seem to separate us from God? I must research that one.
To be Continued
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