The next question in our journey is about what happens to us when we die. I’m going to tie the 4th question into this (Is there any hope for the dead?), because they are part of each other, in my opinion. Here again we touch on the subject that we cannot truly know the mind of God. Some people might think they do, and we might seem to get glimpses, but given what is written in the Old and New Testaments, and the contrast between them, I’d be very cautious in stating anything irrevocably. You don’t want to condemn yourself to hell by your beliefs, that’s if you believe in hell to start with. :-)
What happens when we die? The Watchtower writers believe that people cease to exist. They quote Ecclesiastes 9:5. I can only go by my memories. I was born with past life and between life memories. It made for a confusing childhood for a long while, until, as an adult, I learned that other people also have memories like mine. So saying to me that we cease to exist, that the dead know nothing, have no more reward, and even the memory of them is lost .. well, it’s simply not true. Let me break it down a little.
Cease to exist. I agree totally that after dead the human body will cease to exist, eventually. If you are buried it takes many years, even longer if the body is embalmed; if you are cremated your ashes will dissolve away more quickly, unless someone places them on the mantelpiece in an urn. So they still exist. The spirit, the eternal part of ourselves, continues. I can remember dying and going to a place of healing, a hall of Light and Learning where I was able to review my lifetime, understand my mistakes, and then move on. I can also remember spending many years as a lost soul, a trapped spirit, in a place and time that seemed safe and familiar, where it was comfortable to live in my pain and my shame – until someone loving and kind came and reminded me of a better ‘place’, and then I returned to the place of Light and Learning and repeated the cycle of review and release. Now, some people might say I have these memories because they were bestowed on me by demonic forces to confuse me and turn me away from God. To be released from such a possibility I have been exorcised by one earnest Bishop, and just recently went and had a Ministry Session with the VMTC (you can find that story here, and yet my memories are intact, and in fact, have always led me back to God, rather than away.
The dead know nothing. I would not raise a dead prophet, as Saul chose to do, just for advice (1 Sam 28:3-25). Even though Samuel was aware of the times he lived in, after dying he would have been totally focused on his own journey, or should have been. When you are dead you are not so connected to the world, and worldly things, you have a wider focus. And strangely enough, doesn’t the fact that the witch of Endor could raise him defeat the whole last question. Samuel had not ceased to exist. He was a disembodied spirit, not non-existent. The same man in a different form, with different priorities.
After years of being a medium and talking to spirits and lost souls (ghosts), I know they know quite a lot, but that their understanding of human lives is very much broader than our own over-focused tunnel vision that we have in each lifetime. And yes it is tunnel-vision, or you can call it ‘ego-centric’. Living humans are sensory beings and can be totally overwhelmed by their day to day lives. It is not until we have died and gone through healing that we can, even to some small degree, understand the totality and complexity of all we have learned in each lifetime. We need the break between lives to sort it all through, learn from it .. and then repeat the experiences in new and varied ways.
No more reward? What is the reward for living but love and trust and truth and freedom? We can have it all when we choose to walk the path laid down for us by Jesus when he came. Even when dead we still walk this path. And the greatest reward of all is to know God and to stand at his/her feet and be Loved – and we do that at the end of every lifetime, and sometimes we do it during our lifetimes, when the Holy Spirit reaches out to each of us and touches our hearts. That touch flares the divine spark within each of us, and for a moment we see Glory.
And even the memory of them is lost? And yet I have a book that is 2000 years old beside me. It is called the Bible and it reminds us of our ancestors .. Saul, Paul, Isaiah, Martha, Ruth, Mary .. are they lost to our memories? Oh right, I never met Mary, but they are close to my heart, and so are their messages. And I remember my grandfather, both of them. They are dead, buried and gone through healing. They are not forgotten. Nor is the great, great, grandmother who blessed my daughter with frizzy hair. She is not forgotten. Genetically she has shown herself, and her ancestors, through my daughter. But yes, some people are forgotten by living people, but no one is ever forgotten by God. S/he who sees into the hearts and minds of all people, knows every one of us intimately, whether we are in living bodies at the moment, or not.
The brochure goes on to say that the dead cannot know, feel, or experience anything, they cannot harm – or help – the living. And then they quote Psalm 146:3, 4. “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortals, in whom there is no help. When their breath departs, they return to the earth; on that very day their plans perish”. Very true. When you die your plans can perish – unless you have trusted someone to carry on the legacy for you. And then they can continue. A good example is Dr Fred Hollows, who developed the cataract operations that have saved the sight of so many people. He is dead, but his legacy remains, and so many people in third world countries are benefiting from his gift to humanity. In that way he is still ‘helping the living’. And lost souls still experience the pain and fear that traps them, until they are returned to healing, and then they ‘experience’ everything all over again, learn from it and move on. Ask to stay aware of it next time around. There is so much to learn from a wider world view.
And on the last point, a word of caution. The dead can hurt the living. Some lost souls are just so nasty that it carries over into death and they try to continue to do what they did when they were alive. Some are so lost to drugs and alcohol that they try to continue these habits although they are deceased. They will attach themselves to living humans and feed off their energy, encouraging them to take up, continue, or make worse, the same destructive habits they had themselves. This is one reason why people like me exist – to help clear those lost beings into a place of healing. To save both the living, and the dead. And some are so intensely angry and negative that they develop telekinesis and can actually physically hurt the living. Another reason for ending their ‘between life’ existence and getting them sent Home.
So, in this case the Watchtower people are wrong. We don’t cease to exist, we continue our spiritual journeys whether we are in a living or body or simply in Spirit, and there is always hope for the dead – because God loves all of his/her creations, and wants us to be as loving, kind and generous as s/he is. To that end s/he provides some people with the gift of ‘discernment of spirits’ so that they can help lost souls find healing, both the living and the dead.
To be continued
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